This hand-mixed seasonal blend of simple, vegan ingredients is crafted to revive the skin and spirit. Its warm, natural apple and tea scent offers regenerative powers during slow, cozy months. Add this brew to a warm bath and soak for 20+ minutes to soothe sore muscles, moisturize parched skin, reduce fatigue, and remove dead skin.
Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt (home remedy for soothing symptoms of psoriasis, dandruff, arthritis), Fine Grain Ancient sea salt (promotes healthy ph balance & restful sleep), Epsom salt (home remedy for stiff and tense muscles), Himalayan pink salt (reduces inflammation), Apricot oil (unscented), vitamin e oil, mango extract, vanilla oil, apple oil (for scent) dried lavender, dried chamomile (aroma relieves stress & promotes relaxation), dried rose petals & rose buds.